[Support this Campaign] This is an interesting Indiegogo pitch from Popcorn Horror. It’s interesting because, like Indiegogo, it is also a pitch for an alternative form of financing. However, what Popcorn Horror are suggesting is a way to make money from content once the film has been made. There are few ways beyond YouTube […]
Anime on Demand cancels payments
I subscribe to Anime on Demand. It’s a chance to watch legally streamed anime online and access shows I would never otherwise have access too. It’s a great deal for Viz Media as I only tend to access the service when I’m staying overnight in a hotel for business travel. If they have enough subscribers […]
Doctor Who: Pond Life, part 5
The last in the mini web series, Pond Life, is out. It’s the longest yet – breaking the dreaded 90 second mark and coming in at an amazing 1:34. This is also the Pond Life that sets the scene for Asylum of the Daleks by bringing us up to date with how well Amy and […]
Doctor Who: Pond Life, part 4
Part Four of Pond Life is out. This is the longest of the mini episodes from the web series yet. That’s to say it’s nearly 90 seconds, including intro and outro, and clocks in at 1m27. We were told that Pond Life would show us Amy and Rory trying to live their life after getting […]
LARP love story: Foam Fighters
Foam Fighters is a love story set around a LARP group. Mark gets dragged into his first ever LARP where he meets Gwen. The problem? Gwen’s with a rival faction. Foam Fighters have a blog for fans which lets us keep up to date with the production. This is pretty fun because they’re doing this […]
Doctor Who: Pond Life, part 3
After Rory and Amy got married it was pretty clear that Amy would not become Amy Williams. She kept her surname. In this episode of Pond Life Rory gets called Mr Pond. It’s a new, Whovian, way of doing things. That said; I suspect this episode will simply be known as Ood on the loo. […]
The Peturbed Dragon: EN World’s Morrus launches web series
Russell Morrissey, known to many as Morrus from EN World, has launched a web series. It’s called The Petrubed Dragon, we’re a few episodes in and so far we’ve commentary (with a twist) on some gamer sterotypes. The second episode features a “my GM wouldn’t…” visiting player. We all know those. The twist? In The […]
Doctor Who: Pond Life, part 2
This is the second in the five part mini-series called Pond Life that follows Amy and Rory trying to have a “life”. This eposide is just as small and as teasing as the first Pond Life and acts as a clever wrapper around some micro teasers for season 7 of Doctor Who. If you’ve not […]
Who actually created D&D? A Dungeons and Dragons documentary
This video is a trailer for a Dungeons & Dragons documentary. I think it looks pretty good. It’s a complex story – even around apparently simple questions like; “Who actually created D&D?” This is not a completed documentary though. It may never be finished. There’s a Kickstarter project for it with pledges beginning at […]
Doctor Who: Pond Life, part 1
Pond Life is a series of 5 short, YouTube, Doctor Who episodes that run up to the start of season 7 and Asylum of the Daleks. The Doctor features heavily in this episode but we’re told it will actually focus on the “Ponds” and their struggle to have a normal life after their encounter with […]