The web has made this possible and it’s good to see the BBC trying something this new, this cunning, and this fan pleasing. There will be a Doctor Who prequel in the run up to the start of Season 7. Pond Life will air on the BBC’s YouTube channel and stars Karen Gillan and Arthur […]
Former Wizards of the Coast CEO launches RPG multi-media company
Peter D. Adkison, former CEO of Wizards of the Coast, and the man who owns Gen Con, has started a new company. It’s related to RPGs.
JJ Abrams and Edgar Wright will not be involved with Collider
Collider is a transmedia project from BeActive and we’ve interviewed creator Nuno Bernardo here on Geek Native. There is a Collider movie on the way. There’s also a Collider graphic novel, written by Mike Garley who was interviewed here and a multi-part web series which you can see in full below. On Monday, Deadline reported […]
Scottish Ninjas: Welcome to America – episode 2
This the second episode of Scottish Ninjas and it does not look good for the clan. The Drunken Master is on his way over from Scotland, with warnings of danger and with every chance of giving the three ninja a right earbashing over the state of the flat. Our brave heroes accept mighty quests like […]
Collider #8: Point of no Return
This is the final Collider webisode – although there’s still plenty left in the main series including the forthcoming motion comics. This YouTube series has been a teaser for the main action – when the survivors find themselves in the future among the ruins of humanity. In this episode, Point of no Return, Peter Ansay […]
Halo webisodes: Forward Unto Dawn full trailer
Forward Unto Dawn is a live action, web based, series for Halo 4. The team at Machinima will be hosting the content on their new Machinima Prime channel and we’ll get a series of five episodes. The official title is “Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn” and sets the stage for the Halo 4 launch.
Collider #7 – Despair
The latest version of Collider is out. It’s called Despair – and it’s a fitting title. We had hoped that our “hero” Peter Ansay was about to leave him room and do something. Nope. Despair has hit. He’s become Peter Angsty. In this espiode he seems to contemplate suicide – but has he actually built […]
Second Skyrim Parodies teaser: the sexy charge
I think the official title for this is; “A Companion’s Guide to Being Dovahkiin” but I like to think of it as the sexy charge. Featured are four of Nedopak’s model friends, dressed as Forsworn, charging towards the camera. Yes, the Forsworn are fierce and the weaponry here looks real – but put body beautiful people in skimpy clothing and you’re going to earning some charisma bonuses.
The Skyrim Parodies teaser
We have the first teaser clip from Kristen Nedopak Skyrim Parodies series. This is a social media and native geek success story. Nedopak first produced a successful and popular short parody of the popular RPG with “To Lydia with Love” and then went on to raise about $5,500 with an Indiegogo project. This is money […]
Collider 6 – Paranoia
We’re up to the sixth episode of the web series for the transmedia project Collider. CERN doubter, Peter remains a shut-in as the script goes out of its way to avoid showing us any other faces. The question is – is Peter really about to do something drastic?