The Scottish Ninja, sent to America to “find their place in the world”, are trained by a Scottish man who discovers and drinks from a mysterious bottle. It contained the trapped spirit of an ancient Japanese warrior.
Superhero Week: 8 superhero Kickstarter pitches
It’s Superhero Week here at Geek Native. As well as looking back at some superhero classics, and looking at some contemporary superheroic projects like Turbulance, this week is also looking forward to possible superhero successes of tomorrow. Let’s take a look at 8, currently active, pitches on Kickstarter from the superhero genre. We’ve everything here […]
Realm of LARP video
The Nerdist have put together a web-based reality show that follows a group of LARPers. I know – cause for concern. LARP has a long history of getting very bad coverage from anything that records moving pictures. Mind you, let’s consider some recent attempts. Leeds Student TV produced LARPing around which was pretty good at […]
Collider #5
The five in the series of teaser-style webisode clips for the transmedia Collider project is out. In it we’re reminded of what a worrier Peter is. Then there are the dad issues… Geek Native has an interview with the brains behind the series; Nuno Bernardo as well as the lead writer in the comic series […]
Behind the Scenes: Skyrim Parody
After the very popular To Lydia with Love the creator and actress Kristen Nedopak managed a successful crowd funding drive to fund some more Skyrim Parodies (hinting too at games like Mass Effect). In the last few hours Kristen and Patty Jean Robinson have been tweeting some behind the scene pictures for the parody that […]
Collider #4 – Peter hatches a plan
Collider is many things – a graphic nocel, a forthcoming movie, an app and even a game for your phone – and its also teaser series on YouTube. We’re up to episode four for Collider and Peter’s still trapped inside his room but he’s beginning to think outside the box. If you’re a Collider fan […]
Collider #3 and free comic download
The third web episode of the transmedia series Collider is out. It looks like Peter Ansay’s last hope to get his warnings about the dangers of the Collider at CERN is gone. At the same time concerns around his mental health surface. Is he sane? You can read Peter’s log at a social network called […]
Collider #2 and an interview with Mike Garley
Mike Garley is a writer and editor who lectures, professionally, on writing for comics as well as the use of comics in transmedia campaigns. He runs the comic anthology Dead Roots based on a zombie plague. It is no surprise that Mike is the lead author for the comics in the transmedia franchise Collider. Alongside […]
Collider #1 – Life or Death
Collider is a new sci-fi series that looks to launch on the web first, then come to comic and perhaps even make a movie. It features a group of people who find themselves in a post-apocalyptic 2018. The series was created by Nuno Bernardo and Geek Native has an exclusive interview with him. The actor […]
Musical steampunk ghostbusters
I do like to dip into the League of STEAM now and then. I think the web-based series (webisodes? online show?) should easily score far more views that it seems to. They to do have star pulling power, Dining with the Devil featured Robin Thorsen from The Guild and Doug Jones from Hellboy and Pan’s […]