You can now get a pretty impressive R2-D2 model from LEGO. At the time of posting, searching their store for R2 comes up blank, although the keychain R2-D2 mentioned in the video below is available. I’ve noticed that some of the LEGO franchise builds can be too simple. Rather than building LEGO into the shape […]
Archives for March 2012
Race car science as micro arc oxidation helps create HTC One S cases
Sometimes the science aspects of this blog merge with the tech aspects of this blog. Makes sense, right? The surprise is that it doesn’t happen more often. I suspect that the science isn’t often seen as exciting enough by the marketing departments and so no cool videos are created to explain it. Horrah, then, for […]
Adam Savage on how ideas lead to discoveries
Adam Savage is more than “from Mythbusters”. He’s an intelligent man and a champion for science. He’s also a very good speaker. This TED video (technically TED Ed and enhanced with animations) has Adam walk the audience through how ideas can lead to scientific discoveries. Example include how Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth […]
Wonder Women traces the American Superheroines
Kristy Guevara-Flanagan’s documentary looks at the evolution of superheroines in American society. It traces the development of the Wonder Woman character herself, through to the end of the war and onto the women’s liberation movement. There’s both a Twitter account and Facebook page to sign up to as well. The documentary aired at SXSW and […]
Runes of Magic celebrates 3rd birthday with player bonuses and prizes
The multi-player online fantasy RPG Runes of Magic is about to have its three-year birthday and to celebrate is hosting a week of events. From the 19th to the 25th of March there will be extra community events and in-game games. There will be prizes with a “special secret” due to be announced on Friday […]
Exclusive: A first look at Cold & Dark
Cold & Dark is a science fiction RPG from Sweden based Wicked World Games (English language site). Geek Native has been lucky enough to score an exclusive look at the game’s front cover which you can see below. Mischa Thomas, the Lead Designer at Wicked World, described the game; “Cold & Dark is a gritty […]
Cute Critical Hit Dinosaurs D&D adventurer t-shirt
This is a best selling tee on shirt.woot! right now. Woot! marks the design as “Soon to conclude” which, I think, means it may not be for sale for very much longer. It was designed by Spiritgreen who has been featured on Geek Native before. Via Fashionably Geek.
Superhero shot glasses
The blog F1sh customs has a fantastic range of decorative shot glasses. These aren’t drinking glasses. They’ve been custom painted to look freaky awesome. The sample below showcase some of the superhero glasses than you can buy for just $15. That’s great value from the Fish Brothers.
Cloaked Tachikoma made from LEGO
Tachikoma are cute AI tanks that first appeared in Ghost in the Shell. Over on Flickr, a Think Tanks group has been running Marchikoma – as strict building challenge for building Tachikomas. The entry below comes from Cole Blaq who has a very strong, and growing, reputation as a LEGO builder. Via Brothers Brick.
Anime top trumps
Anime Trumps is a game from NGames. On the 14th it opens its doors to welcome beta testers – and this phase will run until the 28th of March. After that all the data will be wiped. Actually, the blog title is wrong. It’s not “top trumps”. I think that’s a trademark but the idea […]