Wizards of the Coast have continued to offer up daily freebies for fans stuck at home or struggling with finances.
Archives for May 2020
DeathWatch Warhammer 40K up on Humble Bundle
In DeathWatch, you play as a space marine protecting the human Imperium for a host of alien threats and cults from within.
Free to Download: Fan-made Fallout TTRPG releases 6th edition
The 6th edition of the fan-made Fallout RPG represents about 300 hours of edits, testings and layout improvements.
Haunted Mansions: The Slow Dark
Haunted Mansion’s The Slow Dark is an example of the music I’d play before a game to set the mood. A dark and sombre mood.
Aegis of Empires Adventure Path for 5E and Pathfinder springs to life
We’re talking about 600-pages of fantasy horror adventures, enough to get your characters up to level 17.
D&D movie picks up steam as former Marvel exec Jeremy Latcham joins
The D&D movie is moving forward with ex-Marvel Jeremy Latcham attached.
Augmented reality app Ardent Roleplay land Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest
Ever wanted to have a Lovecraftian horror rise through the gaming table to scare the daylights out of your Cthulhu investigators? Ardent’s the app for that.
Watch The Witcher’s Joey Batey design a D&D monster
I don’t know about you, but I think creation is pretty terrifying, despite what the stats say.
CON+3 has hundreds of RPG prizes to giveaway
CON+2 raised thousands and this year, thanks to the lockdown, CON+3 is moving forward so that donations can arrive in a timely and helpful way.
Join a TTRPG online: Magpie Games’ curated play program expands
The expanded curated program adds in more games, different games and grows the number of GMs.