Created by Leeanne M. Krecic, Let’s Play story follows 20-something Sam, an aspiring game who traded in any hope of social life to make her first game. An RPG called Ruminates, gets savaged by a critic known only Marshall Law shortly after release, and the fallout is brutal.
Archives for May 2021
Free to Download: Star Trek Adventures – Disasters
Star Trek Adventures: Disasters is a generous 13-paged long and free supplement.
Free to Download: Optional rules for tougher Mooks in Cyberpunk RED
R. Talsorian Games today posted free DLC for the tabletop Cyberpunk RED RPG.
Amazon sells out of D&D after 2 for 50% of 1 sale
Today, Amazon launched a Buy 2, save 50% on 1 sale in the States and lots of Dungeons & Dragons books could be found.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #99
Roll20 price increase, D&D movie starts to film, and a US court throws out a legal case against Gen Con. It’s been a week of RPG news!
British holiday park offers £500 for Minecraft design
If you’ve designed or can design before the 16th of May, a Minecraft feature for a holiday park, then you could win £500.
Free to Download: D8, a new monthly D&D zine launches
Yum / DM has launched d8 as a new free and monthly D&D zine.
The Deittman Files brings ghost hunters to an RPG near you
Alexandra Clinton’s Powered by the Apocalypse game of psychics and investigators researching the mysterious and sometimes dangerous world of the paranormal has funded on Kickstarter.
DriveThruRPG and DMs Guild change print-on-demand technology
The new printers could decrease the cost of “premium color” print-on-demand books by as much as 6%.
Stranger Things season 4 trailer in spooky flashback
“Eleven, are you listening?” asks Dr. Martin Brenner (aka Papa) in this flashback of a trailer.