Dog Days is a TV anime in which a boy from Japan finds himself transported into a fantasy world after a Princess summons a mighty hero. Izumi Shinko, just a normal kid from Japan, finds himself as the apparent champion called by Princess Millhori to defend the Republic of Biscotti from the Lion Kingdom of […]
Kickstarter cancels funding for anime tentacle game Tentacle Bento
Tentacle Bento raised more than $30,000 in half the time set aside for a $13,000 request total. The project was set up by Soda Pop, the copany behind Super Dungeon Explore and Relic Knights. The concern? Kickstarter hasn’t said publicly but the implication is the funding site wasn’t happy with a game based around hentai […]
LEGO fuses Evangelion and Gundam
This creation mixes Evangelion and Gundam styles together. I say that up front because I didn’t twig from the title “EVA Gundam”. I heard the music and though to myself – wait, no, that’s the wrong mecha. Then I doubted myself. Wait, no, maybe… It’s a mix. That’s why. It’s impressive but it’ll mess with […]
Supporting anime in the UK
Anime Picks is one of the most well known, niche, anime sites in the UK. It covers cosplay, news, games as well as plenty of reviews and articles on anime. The site is a success and their YouTube channel, AnnaMay Picks, has generate about 18,000 views. Sure, that’s not much on the IGN scale but […]
Your very own Ghost in the Shell body pillow
Body pillows are not just popular among Japanese otaku. In Korea a man married his Fate Testorossa body pillow, a character from the anime Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha. Now body pillows are coming to America. If you fancy yourself Motoko Kussangi from Ghost in the Shell as a body pillow then Entertainment Earth will be […]
New NEO – site revamps ahead of 100th edition
NEO Magazine is the UK’s longest running publication for anime, manga and Asian culture. The magazine founded in 2004 and will soon reach it’s eight anniversary and publish its 100th issue. That’s worth knowing because Uncooked Media, the owners, are planning on running a series of competitions online to celebrate. However, today’s anime fans – […]
The Wolf Children Ame and Yuki
There’s a new trailer for Okami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki aka The Wolf Children Ame and Yuki. This blogger isn’t always interested in “relationship anime” but there are two significant twists with The Wolf Children. The first twist is tht it’s from Mamoru Hosoda. Hosoda is responsible for both The Girl Who Leapt Through […]
The 10 minute trailer: Space Battleship Yamato 2199
The team behind the anime Space Battleship Yamato have released a long trailer for their sci-fi epic. We’re not talking 2, 3 or even 5 minutes long. We’re talking about a 10 minute clip from the show. The first two episodes of the series will actually air in cinemas around Japan from the end of […]
MMORPG anime Sword Art Online gets extended tailer
When Geek Native wrote about Sword Art Online back in February there was some debate about the premise. The game – a “VRMMORPG” if you want – is one where you die in real life if you die in the game. How does that work? The trailer still doesn’t explain so we’re left to speculate. […]
Disney actually produce a moe anime
American animation megagiant Disney have shocked Japan. Not only have they produced an anime feature; they’ve produced a moe anime feature and done it well. The advert for Tokyo Disney Resort is getting a good reception among geeks in Japan. I know. We’re all surprised.