Big money, lots and lots of anime, bundle RPG deals and a new owner for the grimdark d100 of the Zweihander. Zweihander Reforged, the new edition, is coming. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Audio EXP Podcast: #217 – 17th-century monsters
A brief mention of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle’s dodgy RPG of yesteryear, Cthulhu in the royal French court and deadly drama in Europe. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Audio EXP Podcast: #216 – Ultimate but limited Evil
Life after Google podcasts, life after death, life after Poltergeist and a chance to win more zombies than you can shake a stick at. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Audio EXP Podcast: #215 – It’s not a holiday yet
A record-breaking geeky convention, Satan juice, a sexy Christmas and Project Black Flag legal documents. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Audio EXP Podcast: #214 – A Dead Channel
Welcome home, and good news, if you can hear this, you made it through Friday the 13th. This is Audio EXP for the 14th of October, and the episode title is “A Dead Channel”. [The following is a transcript of Audio EXP: #214] [Also on Stitcher | Spotify | Apple | Google] Scoundrel Game Labs […]
Audio EXP Podcast: #213 – Is that weird?
Mattel says they are the first to integrate AI tech with traditional board games. Are they right? We look at the game in question, Wizards of the Coast distribution changes, and Bill Watterson’s adult new fable. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Audio EXP Podcast: #212 – On the way and gone to court
Which RPG publisher is in a fight with Netflix and which anime-inspired game of ecological science fantasy is out as a free download this week? Find out on the podcast. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Audio EXP Podcast: #211 – Could the new Unity license impact VTTs?
The tabletop license gods have spoken, and we’re finding out which RPGs will continue and which are on the way out. With the Unity drama this week, computer game publishers are planning to delete their games. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Audio EXP Podcast: #210 – For your feet!
Starfield and Hostile, Cthulhu and cute dragons with wings to keep your toes warm. Not even kidding. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Audio EXP Podcast: #209 – 20,000 posts and dark politics
Mansters and monsters in RPGs, but who’s the real terror? And there’s plenty of pirate action as we look at One Piece with Pirate Borg as a chaser. Welcome to Audio EXP.