Those damn dirty apes… built a hotel.
Treasures of Drakon: The Phantom board game goes to Kickstarter
Australian company Frew Games has a license to make a board game based on the comic book character The Phantom.
Harry Potter Scrabble on the way
USAopoly, known for themed Monopoly games like the newly announced Talisman Monopoly, have a Harry Potter themed version of Scrabble on the way. Scrabble: World of Harry Potter adds a magical twist to the game insofar as Wizarding World vocabulary words earn bonuses. Also, character names, places, spells and potion names are all accepted. USAopoly […]
Will it be enough? More updates from Mage Company as they partner with Quartermaster Logistics
Mage Company was very busy a few years ago running a number of Kickstarters. It’s been disastrous since then with many backers still waiting for the early games. The Athens based board game publisher simply hasn’t been able to deliver on its promises. In June the company announced it had been hacked, and an unknown […]
Stonehenge and the Sun board game wants you to attach a hook to your ceiling
The Kickstarter pitch for Stonehenge and the Sun is interesting in a few ways. It’s rare to find ‘board games’ that make such use of physics or require you to find a semi-permanent home for it in your apartment. [Back this Campaign] They’re asking for over 2 million Yen to fund the game. That’s about […]
Fortnite Monopoly is coming… think how you can prank the kids
Hasbro has signed a deal with Epic Games to produce a whole range of Fortnite branded goodies. There will be some Fortnite NERG Blasters next year and that’s a great match-up for the franchise. There’s also going to be Monopoly: Fortnite Edition launching in October. I think this is a great idea. Okay, the affinity […]
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Board Game hunters for backers
In the end, I didn’t buy a PlayStation 4 just to play Horizon Zero Dawn. Thanks to this Kickstarter from Steamforged Games I might not need to. There’s a board game coming, smashing goals and knocking down stretch goals. You can follow the progress from the campaign page. [Back this Campaign] At the time of […]
WizKids do wrestling WWE style with a new miniature range
WizKids has announced a partnership with WWE. It’s a “multi-year licensing partnership” according to the text of the press release. The same press release then explains what HeroClix is the best selling collectable miniatures game in the world and that Dice Masters is an award-winning dice game. Justin Ziran, president of WizKids, highlights both platforms […]
The 7th Guest: Old skool horror CD-ROM game goes tabletop
The 7th Guest was published in 1993 and was one of the first games to be released only on CD-ROM. It was a hit at the time, selling millions and receiving press attention for its adult content, using pre-rendered 3D graphics (impressive at the time) and making live-action clips part of a tame. In its […]
Design your anime! Kickstarter lets fans pitch anime ideas
Evil Hat Productions the publisher behind Fate has gone to Kickstarter for Channel A. This is a card game in which you have to pitch ideas for an anime series. It launched today and is racing to 100 backers and the US$15,000 it is asking for. You can follow progress on the Kickstarter campaign page. […]