A Monopoly game row over whether too many $500 bills and who could play with the new cat token landed Alyssa Ferraro in jail. Police in Boston responded to a domestic disturbance charge. According to Boston.com the boyfriend did not require medical attention. It is alleged that Ferraro told responding officers that she had had […]
5 tips to beat the odds! Designing and kickstarting a board game by yourself
Vladimir Teneslav is a designer based in Bucharest in Romania. His company is What We Make. Teneslav’s designed and is in the process of Kickstarting a board game called MIND: The Fall of Paradise all by himself. Tough gig, right? I think the pitch video for MIND speaks for itself. I wanted to talk to […]
Star Munchkin Deluxe announced by Steve Jackson Games
Designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, Star Munchkin Deluxe is the latest Munchkin game to be announced. Star Munchkin Deluxe is the Star Munchkin that’s already available but with added standees and a board for better door-kicking action. The set is due out for March 2015 with a recommended retail price of […]
Doctor Dice: It’s Doctor Who Yahtzee
When was the last time you played Yahtzee? Perhaps that’s because you didn’t have a TARDIS shaker! [Buy Doctor Who Yahtzee] That’s right. It’s the geeky monkey-people at Think Geek who are selling this. It’s a classic. Each dice features villains like Robot Mummy, The Silence, Weeping Angels, Sontarians, Cybermen and Daleks. These are printed […]
Cosmic pizza battles: Solar Slice
This is a board game in which the controllers of Earth – pizza delivery companies – discover alien life and battle to control the franchise rights. [Back this Campaign] Pledges for Solar Slice go $1, $2 and then $45. The jump goes from expressing an interest, getting digital assets to re-create your own version of […]
Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King’s Quest wins thousands of backers
Nottingham’s Mantic Games asked for $50,000 for a classic adventure board game. The campaign runs out at the end of August. What’s happened since launch? At the time of writing the game has raised over $420,000 in pledges from over 3,200 backers. [Back this Campaign] This is a game with Mantic’s usual flare for models, […]
Giant Carcassonne breaks out at Gen Con!
There’s a lot going on at Gen Con and sometimes it happens away from the booths and panels. The official Gen Con Facebook shared this picture of such an outbreak of geeky goodness. It’s Giant Carcassonne! Look at the size of those meeples. You’d not have to worry about the cat attacking the board and […]
The Risk board game table
Yup. This entire table is set out so you can play Risk on it. It’s a huge gaming board for one of the most aggressive board games played by kids around the world. I wonder where they got models of suitable scale? (Via Reddit.)
5 stunning tile games that inspired MAGE Company
Alex and Mike of MAGE Company got in touch about their Kickstarter for Hoyuk and introduced me to the great looking, tile-laying and area controlling game. It’s funded on Kickstarter with more than $16,000 in the bank, asking for $15,000 and with more than three weeks left to run. [Back this Campaign] I wanted to […]
Golem Arcana attempts a whole new board game genre
[Back this Campaign] There’s an impressive pedigree of talent on this project. We’ve got Jordan Weisman at the helm. He’s already help create BattleTech, Shadowrun, Earthdawn as well as the click base concept you see for MageKnight and Heroclix. Harebrained Schemes have had some serious Kickstarter success in the past. Is Golem Arcana a step […]