From Alison Cybe, whose work includes the Fallout RPG, comes Shield Maidens, a cooperative TTRPG where players forge their legend as warriors against a tyrannical empire, wielding magic and advanced technology.
Chainsaws and Canopies: Is The Wildsea Bundle the Weird Fantasy Your TTRPG Collection Craves?
The Wildsea is bizarre beauty and perilous adventure where you might play anything from a daring captain to, yes, even a character who is part of a hive collective!
Never Going Home: Haunted Trenches RPG bundle
Never Going Home is a game of shared storytelling. Gaming groups collectively create a soldier Unit and play through their experiences.
Tiny Supers (but a lot of them): A TTRPG flash sale
Gallant Knight Games’ TinyD6 system started with Tiny Dungeon and grew, but stayed tiny. In particular, it grew large enough to include Tiny Supers.
Aaaaand… now you can’t put off buying Mork Borg
Mork Borg quickly became famous as a sort of black metal artbook, or artpunk splatbook, or doomdays OSR.
The Potbellied Kobold, Weapons of Legend and others to tempt you
Jeff Stevens Games have just gone live on the Bundle of Holding with some 5e supplements in the Potbellied Kobold deal.
Maho Shojo TTRPGs: Girl by Moonlight gets a bundle deal
Inspired by anime and manga like Sailor Moon, Steven Universe, and many others, Girl by Moonlight adapts Blades in the Dark to represent the breadth of the maho shojo.
Mutant Crawl Classics returns to the Bundle of Holding after 4 years
The game is based on Goodman Games’ Dungeon Crawl Classics and is fully stand-alone. The DTRPG for the core rules describes the game as “triumph & technology won by mutants & magic’.
League of Adventures: A deal on Victorian steampunk TTRPG
Dive into a world of Victorian steampunk adventure with the Leagues of Adventure Bundle from Triple Ace Games. The deal is on the Bundle of Holding until February 27th.
Double back and leap forward: Three Champions 4e TTRPG offers
Right now, and until February 25th, the Bundle of Holding has three Heroes 4e TTRPG deals on the go.