Expeditious Retreat Press’ The Halls of Arden Vul is a megadungeon of legend. I can see a bundle deal for it, reduced from $384 to $275, on DriveThruRPG.
A 5e bundle deal: Legendary Epic Monsters
Legendary’s RPG sourcebooks at DTRPG tend to follow the naming convention Legendary This or Legendary That. It’s monsters in this bundle.
The Star Trek Adventures tabletop RPG boldly returns to bundle
The core rules are in the bundle and the Player’s Guide and supplement for The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine.
Dark, horrible, but fun and new! Eclipse Phase 2e bundle deal
In the game, characters belong to the secret Firewall organisation to try and protect transhumanity from biowar, nanoswarms, rogue AIs and aliens.
Awesome games in Humble’s LGBTQ+ Play with Pride deal
There are only 9 days on the clock left for this three-tier bundle, though, and that was when I wrote this post!
Fancy 6,000 pages of OSR RPG? You must confront the Castle Oldskull bundle
The Bundle of Holding has a deal on the OSR Castle Oldskull RPG from author Kent David Kelly.
Multi-genre 5e RPG: Troll Lord’s Amazing Adventures bundles up
Despite the shift to 5e, and all the more impressive for it, Amazing Adventures has stepped forward to be a multi-genre RPG. So can still be a pulp detective or Nazi-fighting professor, a space opera hero, or Nazi-fighting cyberpunk.
Indie Game Making Contest: Rebirth – Humble launches RPG Maker Resurgence bundle
That’s four tiers, starting with less than a buck invested and with a top tier worth more than £730 in downloads.
The bundle of 5e Treasures and Tehuatl includes a physical book
Frog God Games, a company who have agreed to raise money for charity as part of a settlement and who cut ties with the bigots at the new Judges Guild, is back on Humble with a new offer.
Rolling for Seduction: Sexy 5e for Reproductive Rights
You need to be registered 18+ at DriveThruRPG to even look at the bundle page. There’s naked flesh on the front covers of the books but taken from art. I think. It’s not always clear.