It’s also worth noting that the Call of Cthulhu 7e quick start is a free download and comes with Astral integration.
DriveThruRPG offers 33% off at classic digital to TTRPG sales event
In total, there are 172 items, including quickstarts and supplements, in the sale.
Over 1 million homebrew games on Roll20
As Roll20 has shared their user base milestone, we can run some maths. We know the percentage of games users play and know the total number of users; we can convert those ratios to absolute figures.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #88
Routinely Itemised is RPG news summary round-up complete with reviews, tips and a flood of Zine Quest Kickstarter projects.
‘Twas the Night Before Call of Cthulhu
As a Christmas treat/horror cuppycup from Ain’t Slayed Nobody put this together.
Mythos World: Rules, Adventures, and Setting
Call of Cthulhu offers the entire Earth as a setting in a variety of different time periods. I am slowly building my own Mythos world and revealing the secret history and details of a world haunted by monsters and the Mythos to the PCs. I am working on creating a long term campaign.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #76
In the RPG news this week we’ve big news from Pinnacle and Savage Worlds, we discover which project Wizards of the Coast are working on for D&D that will take years and a look at the latest reviews, releases and interviews.
Friday the 13th: The attack of the RPG charity events
We’re facing a Friday the 13th this weekend. More importantly, we also have a host of RPG charity events to look forward.
Mythos World: Rules, Adventures, and Setting
In 1925 your expert detectives work to keep a post-war and divisive world from falling apart.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #72
Routinely Itemised is a weekly roundup of RPG news from Wizards of the Coast, Chaosium, Cubicle 7, R. Talsorian Games, PEG, Paizo and the industry.