Right now, and until February 25th, the Bundle of Holding has three Heroes 4e TTRPG deals on the go.
Recapture the glory of the Champions TTRPG early years
These Bundle of Holding revivals offer the perfect chance to explore the boundless potential of the Hero System. Dive in and discover (or rediscover) the timeless hero within yourself!
Still looking for not-D&D? Two HERO bundles return
The Bundle of Holding has been busy during the OGL dramas as people look for clever ways to replenish their RPG shelves rapidly.
Genre Police: Choose Your Own Adventure(s)
Last time we talked about new RPGs and how to get players to try them. But how do you even begin to work out what you want to play?
Free to Download: Learn Champions with Champions Begins
Champions Begins is a tutorial adventure designed to teach both Game Masters and Players how to play Champions, the Super Role Playing Game.
What’s the plural of mega? 2nd and 3rd Hero System 5e bundles launch for Champions
Today, a 2nd and 3rd offer were launched. One is Champions 5e Megabundle worth $248 and the other Champions 5e Universe Mega worth $218. Both expire by the 10th of January.
The Bundle of Holding launches their Starter Store
This isn’t a standard eCommerce experience; you only get starter packs here.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #89
Keep up with RPG news, Wizards of the Coast’s new promotion with Hasbro, the many D&D TV shows, an Altered Carbon RPG review and interviews from around the web.
The Bundle of Holding offers an impressive Hero System 6e and Champions deal
The Bundle of Holding’s own blog describes these Hero System bundles as one of the best deals they’ve ever presented.
Never published before PDF scans of Hero Magazines in the Bundle of Holding
The Bundle of Holding is giving away a host of old Hero Magazines in PDF form, and some of them have never been available in this format before.