The severe earthquakes in Turkey and Syria have triggered an acute humanitarian crisis.
Aid for Türkiye: A Doctors Without Borders supporting RPG bundle
Let us help by aiding those who survived the earthquakes, as healing from the physical injuries is just the first step in a devastating tragedy with such a high loss of life.
Make-A-Wish’s charity call to arms for content creators
Make-A-Wish International founded the charitable streaming event in response to the significant increase in gaming-related desires from over 50 nations and the rising costs of granting those wants.
Extra Life: Dungeons IN Dragons charity offer
The supplement has help for DMs in the world of new encounters and other pre-made materials. At the core, there are maps which involve dragons in a new way.
NaNoWriMo: Gamer tools for authors on offer in the Bundle of Holding
November marks the start of National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo, where you’re challenged to finish with 50,000 words and a brand-new novel.
Rolling for Seduction: Sexy 5e for Reproductive Rights
You need to be registered 18+ at DriveThruRPG to even look at the bundle page. There’s naked flesh on the front covers of the books but taken from art. I think. It’s not always clear.
Wish 200 Week: Gaming charity in a cry for help
For Wish 200 Week, CozyGamerKat, LetsBrock, HushCam and GaGOD have confirmed their participation.
TTRPGs for Reproductive Rights will put more than $1,000 of gaming goodness in your pocket
There are so many heroes that the total value of downloads in the bundle TTRPGs for Reproductive Rights that there’s about $1,400 worth of games available.
Game Over, T1D: Save lives, money and buy games
We’ve seen over the recent months just how closely charities and bundle deals can be linked. Humble is offering Game Over, T1D which is about taking on type 1 diabetes.
Non-profit RPG Research suspends most operations to survive insurance crunch
We need all resources focused on getting this RPG Community Center open to the public, then we will do all we can to incrementally bring back as many of our other programs over time that we’re allowed (by insurance).