Last time we talked about new RPGs and how to get players to try them. But how do you even begin to work out what you want to play?
Genre Police: Oh The Horror!
Over the next few columns we are going to be diving into Horror. While we’ve looked at topics that have bordered the genre before, we haven’t dived right into its black heart. The problem with horror is that it very quickly divides into a massive set of sub-genre specifics. Poe, Lovecraft, King, Bright, Barker are […]
Will Chill 3e’s Undead sourcebook shamble to life?
Matthew McFarland’s Kickstarter for Undead, the third sourcebook for Chill 3rd Ed, finishes on Halloween. At the time of writing it has more than $13,000 in the pot on a $16,000 goal. A pledge of $15 gets you the PDF copy of Undead if the Kickstarter hits targets. $25 means you’ll get both the […]
Back from the Dead: A Review of Chill, 3rd Edition
Every long-time fan of tabletop role-playing has a game they consider amazing that slipped through the cracks, an unfortunate casualty in a hobby where only a few big names dominate the hobby’s attention. For many, that game was Chill, a horror RPG first released in the mid-80s. Overshadowed in the 80s by Call of Cthulhu, a second edition was released […]
Will it be a spooky success? Chill 3rd edition goes to Kickstarter
Halloween is at the end of this month. Come Halloween we’ll known whether Matthew McFarland’s 4 Kickstarter is successful. This time round his Growling Door Games is attempting to bring about the return of Chill. [Back this Campaign] I’m a fan of games like this. Whispering Vault, Kult… and even Beyond the Supernatural are all […]