Wildemount is a continent on Exandria. That’s the setting of the hugely popular D&D live stream Critical Role.
Critical Role
Critical Role is a weekly live show in which voice actors play the roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons. Led by Matthew Mercer, as the Dungeon Master, and featuring Travis Willingham, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Ashley Johnson, Liam O'Brien, Laura Bailey and Sam Riegel the show airs first on Twitch before being uploaded to YouTube later.
Since 2018, Critical Role is the name of the studio co-owned by the cast and which has produced other shows and roleplaying supplements.
Patrick Rothfuss’s Worldbuilders hits $500,000
Support charities by bidding on rare geeky goodies such as the D&D Critical Role cards currently on ebay.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #21
Vampires taking over the world, over a million Dollars of dice and Wizards of the Coast charging a pretty penny for an infernal font… all for charity. It’s the RPG weekly news summary.
Amazon picks up Critical Role’s animated ‘Legend of Vox Machina’
Amazon Prime gets the deal as an exclusive, picking up the project after a hugely successful Kickstarter campaign.
What is the Matt Mercer effect?
It has become such a commonly used phrase that “Mercer Effect” entered the Urban Dictionary this year.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #2
What happened this week in the world of RPGs?
$114 million projection for Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina as 5 backers snap up $10,000 pledge tiers
This Kickstarter is a labour of love for the Critters, Critical Role’s fantastic community, as there isn’t a pledge tier that delivers the animation to backers.
Matt Colville’s new RPG live stream will avoid clashing with Critical Role
He plans to channel the YouTube community he’s build up over Twitch to watch the live campaign. However, the show will be uploaded to YouTube after the session wraps.
Heartbroken Matthew Mercer replies to frustrated DM
Matthew Mercer, the DM of the hugely popular Critical Role, admitted a comment left by a fellow DM on Reddit’s DM Academy left him feeling a little heartbroken.
Handbooker Helper is Critical Role’s new show. Handbooker!
Critical Role span off from Geek & Sundry so they had the flexibility to do new things. Today we discover that one of those things is a show called Handbook Helper, no, sorry, it’s called Handbooker Helper, that teaches people the basics of D&D in short videos. The episodes will feature Critical Role stars like […]