DriveThruRPG has launched a sale for Cosmic Horror and Cthulhu Mythos, which is the usual double-feature with some headline bundles.
Delta Green: One of the best horror TTRPGs is a Humble bundle
For the next two weeks or so, Humble has a deal with the core Agent’s Handbook and Handler’s Guide with a library of supporting books.
The best selling modern RPGs published on DriveThruRPG 2023
All the RPGs, supplements and accessories in this list were published on DriveThruRPG this year and tagged by the publisher or author as modern.
Delta Green assets for VTTs and hand-outs all packed and on offer
Each asset pack includes 15-30 logos and stamps; each image is presented in “clean” and “dirty” versions. This allows you to create handouts that look like they came from various sources, such as a long-abandoned warehouse or a bombed-out drug lab.
The largest ever Delta Green offer as horror comes to the Bundle of Holding
Arc Dream Publishing’s Delta Green is a standalone RPG born from a Call of Cthulhu one. It’s a tabletop experience of conspiracies and horror.
The Unspeakable Oath and Dreamlands: Arc Dream Mythos
Arc Dream acquired the publishing rights to The Unspeakable Oath in 2010 and published eight more issues through 2018.
The best selling modern era RPGs published on DriveThruRPG in 2022
Today, we’re looking at modern RPGs and by which the authors mean games with a contemporary setting.
Six bundle deals headline “New Year, New Game” at DriveThruRPG
At the start of the year, it’s a DriveThruRPG tradition to offer a good sale, and it’s happening again this year. There’s 50% off a range of titles to persuade you to try a new RPG.
The best selling modern RPGs of 2021
Today, with modern, we’re back into murky genre territory. We have a whole Genre Police series that goes into genres for RPGs and GM tips for them, by the way.
The best selling horror RPGs of 2021
Horror is more straightforward of an RPG genre to assign to games; if the designer says, “this is supposed to be horror, ” it’s horror with less debate.