Disney’s animated TRON looks better than feared. The prelude to the show, known as TRON Uprisng: Beck’s Beginning, is due to air in the States on the 18th of May on the Disney Channel. Frodo actor, Elijah Wood, will be voicing Beck. The full series starts on Disney XD on June the 7th. No news […]
Disney actually produce a moe anime
American animation megagiant Disney have shocked Japan. Not only have they produced an anime feature; they’ve produced a moe anime feature and done it well. The advert for Tokyo Disney Resort is getting a good reception among geeks in Japan. I know. We’re all surprised. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clFq7xwxV-Q
Japanese trailer for BRAVE shows a very different film
It’s hard to imagine that this is a trailer for the same BRAVE that we’ve been seeing elsewhere. Tha Japanese trailer, which has made its way to YouTube (watch it before it’s yanked) suggests a film filled with mysticism and magic. It still looks like a great film. It just looks like a very different […]
If Disney Princesses played Pokemon and how to make your own
Big ups for Deviant Artist Hapuriainen. She has created a clever mashup of Pokemon and Princess. There’s a sample below. The sample is good – but where Hapuriainen gets extra special is with the Pokemon trainer creator where you can make your own. There’s a sad catch with the Pokemon trainer creator, though. Hapuriainen is […]
Twisted Princesses: Disney Princesses as RPG monsters
Twisted Princesses is a series of illustrations from the very talented Jeffrey Thomas. The series shows some of our favourite Disney princesses looking creepy. Thomas doesn’t use the phrase “RPG monsters” to describe the princesses. That’s my choice but I think it fits… I mean; a gamer would respond to the situation without surprise. A […]
John Carter trailers
More John Carter goodies out today. We’ve seen a picture of the great white apes of Mars before and with this trailer we get to see one in action. More than that; we get a good feel for the film. I suspect we geeks will have to remind people that John Carter of Mars was […]
Vader invades Disneyland
This is a cute viral candidate video for Disney’s new Star Wars themed ride – Star Tours. We see Darth Vader and two Stormtroopers arrive in Disneyland, only to find Star Tours not yet open and so have to distract themselves with the rides for a day. I’m sure if I was a Simpson’s writer […]
Disney Princesses as Fighters
Deviant artist Josh MC has another successful adaptation of the ever-popular Disney Princess meme. Josh has successfully portrayed them as a range of fighters in a high-quality art collection. I don’t know about you from about half of these illustrations give me the wrestling vibe and the other half rather more of a Dungeons and […]
TR3N / Tron 3: Destiny trailer is a fake
There’s a bit of a battle raging in the YouTube comments for this trailer. Is this a fake or not? The uploader, antovolk3 suggests it may not be real but others have suggested Disney and Warner Bros have YouTube yanked other copies of the video so surely that means it has to be real? Have […]
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides second trailer
Do you think there’s energy in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise? Perhaps one way to ponder that question is to ask yourself how excited you are about the forthcoming Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides movie. Use that excitement level as a benchmark. That’s where you are now. Now take a look at […]