Dolmenwood is a dark fairy tale that includes full rules using a slightly modified version of Old-School Essentials in a faerie woodland setting both fantastic and terrifying. PDFs of these books are available now with print copies likely available in a few months.
Worldbuilding Dolmenwood
When starting a new campaign in Dolmenwood, the following steps are recommended.
Necrotic Gnome and Exalted Funeral take the Old-Schools Essentials’ Dolmenwood Kickstarter through a million
Rife with intrigue, secrets, and magic, Dolmenwood draws travellers of adventurous spirit, daring them to venture within.
Free to Download: Necrotic Gnome’s Dolmenwood preview
The goal of Dolmenwood is to bring mystery back to the tabletop for even veteran players. In Dolmenwood, old pros should not comfortably be able to work out what is likely to happen in a scene or encounter.
Necrotic Gnome cancel plans for a revised Old-School Essentials
Necrotic Gnome will continue reprinting the current Old-Schools Essentials tabletop RPG with new supplements and adventures.