The Dark Lord has returned to a world of magic, united the Apex Powers in a fascist alliance. As heroes and characters in the Lightning War, your task is to fight back and resist evil.
Ghostly steampunk: A review of The Song of the Sycamore
If you died out there in the wilderness of a battlefield, been hollowed out and possessed by a vengeful spirit, then you might have a different perspective on things.
Uncanny Magazine aims to increase writer rates
There are limited editions of “Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction” that can still be secured, though nearly 50% have been sold already.
Gateway: The Book of Wizards by Sean Murray
It’s a bit fairy tale. It’s a bit steampunk. It is also rich in fantasy.
Black Void partners with Modiphius to ship a new dark fantasy RPG
The dark fantasy RPG about the fall and resurgence of humanity, Black Void, has partnered with Modiphius for global distribution.
Stick to Sci-Fi & Fantasy to wrangle an extra £273 from Audible
Using price data of nearly 200 audiobooks, we can calculate the cash value of an Audible credit.
The phenomenal concept art of Marek Okon
He’s worked with companies like Warner Bros, Thunder Road pictures and 20th Century Fox.
You’re dead already: Afterlife – Wandering Souls stirs on Kickstarter
Your character is already dead. You’re wandering a macabre and surreal plane called Tenebris. Imagine Guillermo del Torro directing a mashup of Alice in Wonderland and What Dreams May Come.
Fantasy you’ve not experienced before: A review of The Silence of Hollowind
The Silence of Hollowind may well be a fantasy world, unlike anything you’ve experienced before.
A spicy surprise: A review of Capharnaum – The Tales of the Dragon-Marked
Capharnaum is a fantasy roleplaying game set in a world inspired by Arabian nights, Argonauts and adventure. The game is not a historical setting RPG or even an alternative history RPG, it’s complete fantasy, and that becomes important if you start to think about cultural appropriation, sexism, the role of religion and a whole bunch of other ‘spicy subjects’.