The anime kicks off as we meet Tatsumi travelling on the road. He swiftly steps into the role of hero by taking on a fearsome and dangerous creature – an Earth dragon – and in doing so demonstrates he’s quite some swordsman. It’s interesting to note that that earth dragon isn’t called a monster. None […]
Escape into fantasy with Arash Radkia
Arash Radkia ia freelance concept artist. He shares his art on Facebook as well as the occasional update to his ArtStation page. Well worth checking out.
So Adorably Savage: Baby Bestiary Volume 2
The original Baby Bestiary, marshalled and creatively directed by Andreas Walters, not only provided me with inspiration, it also looked fantastic. I originally pledged for his 2015 Baby Bestiary calendar, but the full Baby Bestiary would have looked so good on my coffee table. I missed out then, but now Andreas has returned with Baby […]
A second chance for Altais and mankind
Back in 2014 Altais was asking for AUD $40,000 on Kickstarter to fund a good looking fantasy RPG. That project was cancelled. This month the relaunch hit Kickstarter and is asking for a far more modest $10,000. It’s worth a look. [Back this campaign] This isn’t just a second chance for Parhelia Games’ Aitais […]
9 illustrations to super charge your RPGs from James Zapata
A concept artist from the United States, James Zapata is one hell of a talented illustrator. It’s no surprise to see names like Wizards of the Coast on his pieces as James has the uncanny knack of inspiring great RPG ideas. Running low on imagination for your next big tabletop encounter? Pop over to his portfolio […]
All or Nothing: A review of Ecko Endgame
Ecko Endgame is the final of the three Ecko novels from Danie Ware. Geek Native’s previously looked at the first book Ecko Rising and the second Ecko Burning and now, in the third, we discover whether our cyberpunk assassin is mad, trapped in the Matrix, fallen through a dimensional rift or caught in some hypotonic […]
Exclusive: Vessels design sketch – Dark Souls meets Inception
Vessels is the latest comic book project from Dave Cook. Cook’s already proven he can deliver by Kickstarting the post-apocalyptic Bust but now he’s promising a Dark Souls meets Inception inspired fantasy. You can find details of the new project on the Kickstarter campaign page. [Back this Campaign] Geek Native has an exclusive copy […]
An unholy epic for your eyes: A review of Elric of Melnibone
Geek Native’s looked at the new releases of Elric of Melnibone and liked them. The Michael Moorcock Library Vol.1 – Elric of Melnibone is different insofar as it brings together the original 1980 comic adaptation into a hardback. The story is the same. At least, that’s the theory. In reality, this Elric of Melnibone feels […]
Tavern Tales RPG oozes with creative possibility
Tavern Tales is another RPG going for a Kickstarter birth. It’s done everything right so far; you can download the rules for free and check out the incredible art, or some of it, in advance. I spoke to Tavern Tales’ creator Dabney Bailey who confirmed the free rules download will last the duration of the […]
Short film: Office Kingdom
This short film should speak volumes to roleplayers who have to wrestle with either dreaded bureaucracy at work or with customers who don’t really appreciate the challenges you face for them. Stay with me. Office? Bureaucracy? Not two words that might inspire someone to watch a short animation but Office Kingdom is full of surprises, […]