So let’s examine some of the ways we can process an adventure and prep it for a specific group.
Genre Police: What’s For Who
I recently had an interesting conversation about flow, and I want to share it because I think it reveals some things about RPG that we don’t talk about often.
Genre Police: Approaching Death
So if we were to think about death and injury in our games, I’d hope we can see that there are lots of different ways to work it around.
Genre Police: Choose Your Own Adventure(s)
Last time we talked about new RPGs and how to get players to try them. But how do you even begin to work out what you want to play?
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #70
The latest stats from Roll20, free RPG downloads, new releases, a host of reviews and a bunch of RPG news all presented at bullet point speed.
Atlas Games introduce a Feng Shui 2 RPG subscription model
Joining the subscription plan gives you 10% off all new Feng Shui releases and free and early-access to Feng Shui PDFs. The first two months are free.
Genre Police: We’re All Out Of Bubblegum
But let’s be honest, sometimes you just wanna blow stuff up and fight all the enemies in widescreen sprawling combats that define your character as a complete and total ass-kicker.
Genre Police: You Call it Wuxia, I call it Wushu
From a western perspective, Wuxia and the Samurai genre can be very easy to blend together. In reality, though, Wuxia is a different beast. It has a history of rebellion, heroes disinterested in serving a local lord and finding their own destiny. Sound familiar? It’s probably the content of most weekly gaming sessions. Let’s take […]
Expendable: A Review of Feng Shui 2
I read the first edition of Feng Shui back in 1999. I was so excited by its presence, and I loved its many innovations…mooks who go down in a single hit? Not caring about ammo? Combat revolving around pulling off crazy stunts and not worrying about realism? This was awesome! I thought. Finally, a role-playing game that catered to the action […]
Robin D Laws promises absolutely awesome Feng Shui 2
Feng Shui is a game I hear a lot about… but have never played. Watch out for this Kickstarter pitch when Robin D Laws points out that the original Feng Shui might not be the game you remember. [Back this Campaign] You can tell Feng Shui is an iconic game in two ways with a […]