British publisher Cubicle 7 have the Doctor Who RPG license. Their game is Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space which will do nicely when the BBC air Doctor Who: Adventures in Space and Time to mark the 50th anniversary of the iconic show. Cubicle 7 have their own plans for the 50th birthday day; […]
Your very own Timelord calendar and star chart
This rather wonderful poster is a Gallifreyan Perpetual Calendar and Galactic Star Chart. It lets Timelords or their companions discover the day of the week for any given day between the years 1600 and 9999 AD. That’s a pretty wide scope. As a bonus, any Timelord might be pleased to know that they star chart […]
Learn about all the Doctor Who companions [infographic]
Back in October the Mirror published an infographic on Doctor Who and the companions. Did you know that 88% have been human? There’sa 60/40 split between male and female companions and it’s a battle betwen Rose Tyler and Sarah Jane Smith in some popular polls to the title of “Best Companions”. The infographic speculates on […]
Disney Princesses as Doctor Who
Princesses mashup posts are, for some reason, very popular on Geek Native. Step forward Amy Mebberson who has taken the core idea of the Disney Princess and gone one step forward by picking Doctor Who for the mashup. Jasmine as Sylvester McCoy’s Seventh Doctor is pretty cool – expect a surge in Seventh Doctor interest […]
Which Doctor Who actors have the lowest Bacon number?
You know the game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? In it you can work out that you’re related to the actor Kevin Bacon through no more than six assocations. Google has the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game baked into its search results. To access it search for [bacon number] followed by an actor’s name. […]
11 genderswapped versions of Doctor Who
Unless you count “Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death”, made for Red Nose Day and in which the 13th Doctor was female and played by Joanna Lumley, there has never been a female Doctor. Step forward Gladys with this excellent collection of Doctor Who ladies. You’ll notice that female William Hartnell and Patrick […]
Doctor Who – huge spoilers for episode 13
If you’re worried about the risk of spoilers then stop reading this. Go back here and read something else. This post is just speculation but it reaches towards sources with better and more official connections in the search for insight and solutions to the “I can’t cope with the suspense” problem. The 13th episode of […]
A video catchup of all 47 years of Doctor Who – in just a few minutes
The talented pair and YouTube success story known as The Fine Brothers have all four feet planted on the Doctor Who bandwagon. They’ve put together an oratory wonder by walking us through all 47 years of Doctor Who in just 6 minutes. I’m glad they’ve done this. I’m well aware there is a large percentage […]