A gamemaster can use the solar system spanning adventure and supplement Ad Astra along with Mutant: Year Zero to create an extended campaign connecting a custom built ruined world with the dwindling powers still left in the surrounding solar system.
Colony Creation in Alien: Building Better Worlds
Building Better Worlds covers a mini-campaign and provides great support for colony play. In the back of the book are random tables to create a planet, and the colony established there that the PCs will be running.
Unleash the Primal Wilds with the Ruins of Symbaroum 5E Bundle!
Embark on an epic adventure in the untamed Forest of Davokar with the Ruins of Symbaroum 5E Bundle.
Worldbuilding Forbidden Lands: Dark Secrets of The Bloodmarch
This setting is a great location to launch a new brand new campaign with plenty of worldbuilding support provided.
Free League launch an incredible core RPG bundle: Dragonbane, Vaesen, Twilight: 2000 and more
The retail value here is $88, and it includes the Nordic horror Vaesen, the sci-fi Coriolis, the post-apocalyptic Mutant Year Zero and hexcrawl Forbidden Lands.
The Electric State RPG: Interview with Tomas Härenstam
The book will be transformed into a blockbuster motion picture directed by the Russo brothers and starring Millie Bobby Brown and Chris Pratt, making the RPG a timely delve into a hauntingly beautiful alternate 1990s America.
Worldbuilding with The One Ring: Tales from the Lone-lands
While the setting and adventures contain much that makes The Lord of the Rings amazing, it is set at more of a scale to match the adventure Bilbo had in The Hobbit. Perfect for RPG world building.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #233
WotC reveal their D&D 2024 roster and timeline, The Walking Dead shamble to RPG life, not everyone is impressed by the Indie RPG Creator Summit and Matthew Mercer talks about the bubble bursting.
Vaesen: The Lost Mountain Saga
The Lost Mountain Saga is not something I can run right now. But the book is wonderfully made and full of great ideas, amazing art, useful maps, and an entertaining story of what could be around a game table.
Tales from the Loop: They Grow Up So Fast
In addition to adventures, They Grow Up So Fast and Our Friends the Machines cover a new setting in the world of Tales from the Loop. Norfolk Broads is a United Kingdom-based Loop.