Pirate Borg is packed with support for the GM: random tables, history of the Dark Caribbean, nation information, a complete settlement, and a full adventure.
Hundreds of backers for the Dragonbane supplement Windheim & Horn of the Dawn
Windheim is an island, a colony of the Bastionian empire ruling most of the known world of Eshfera. The bastionites are a human and halfling culture worshipping Thrakon, the ruling deity of the pantheon. On Windheim their power is strong but not quite as dominant as in the rest of the world
Year Zero Worldbuilding: Forbidden Lands – The Bloodmarch
Year Zero World Building creates campaign settings using Free League’s RPGs. This month looks at The Bloodmarch, a realm in the world of the Forbidden Lands.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #209
It’s Geek Native’s news round-up with news about the end of the company calling itself TSR, dragon queens and D&D and some very big bundle deals.
YZ World Building: Coriolis – Wake of the Icons
Space intrigue and war meets Arabian Nights, the Coriolis bundle combined with Wake of the Icons provide a core rulebook and setting, and four adventures with world building extras to any GM wanting to create their own version of the Dark between the Stars.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #205
Routinely Itemised is a round-up of RPG news, reviews, deals, discoveries and factoids from the web. You can hug it, pet it and call it Harry.
Free League launches an official Alien RPG Master tournament at UK Games Expo
The first round of the inaugural Alien RPG masters will happen on Saturday and start with six tables of players making their way through the same scenario.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #204
Lord of the Rings, AI, t-shirts and Rock & Roll and it’s all another week of RPG news from around the web.
The Lord of the Rings RPG Shire Adventures
Year Zero World Building creates campaign settings using Free League’s RPGs. The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying takes The One Ring RPG 2E and converts it to Dungeons & Dragons 5E.
Goldmound: An Adventure Module for Dragonbane taps the new SRD
There is an official free license for Dragonbane from Free League that lets publishers create third-party material for the game.