The Alien RPG Masters Tournament, Evil Genius semi-finalists, Kickstarter deals not all of us have, Jurassic Park and a more usual summary of RPG releases and bundle deals. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Audio EXP: #196 – Oops; bundle me good!
BrikWars RPGs, Tunnels & Trolls with a new owner, a whole new Conan the Barbarian comic book line and the usual bunch of discount and bundle deals. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Audio EXP: #195 – It’s Coronation Day; let’s talk about voting
Some weird fantasy dystopia, or is it? KB Presents closing, official D&D dragons to cuddle at night, Ebberon’s creator quits, and the best of Star Wars day. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Voting opens for Patrons in June’s RPG Publisher Spotlight
Zotiquest Games won the poll for May, and I’ll be chasing them down for an interview. You can read April’s interview with High Level Games for a recent example of what might be coming next.
Audio EXP: #194 – Record-breaking Satan
Disappointingly, people in Lake Geneva, the home of D&D, are still embarrassed by the game and the current owners, Wizards of the Coast, are sending Pinkerton agents out to raid people. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Audio EXP: #193 – D&D fashion and sci-fi rescues
Geek Native’s podcast has news of a new official Star Trek RPG and Afrofuturist tabletop games getting to retailers with Green Ronin’s support and funky t-shirt designs. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Geek Native Patron gift: Neurocity indie RPG
Thank you to Gavriel Quiroga for enabling the offer! There’s an added incentive, of course, as there’s a Kickstarter for a new edition live right now.
Audio EXP: #192- It’s only a draft
Many great RPG releases this week, some using licenses that are only in draft and some digging into material that inspired D&D’s magic system while avoiding D&D. It’s not all RPG news; it’s also Cowboy Bebop’s 25th anniversary year with a limited edition collection on the way. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Audio EXP: #191- No joke
RPGs, the big screen, the sense of ownership and direction from fans on the companies and hobbies they support, and the lingering joy of Mario Kart for the Wii. Welcome to Audio EXP.
Voting opens for patrons in May’s RPG Publisher Spotlight
Geek Native launched on Patreon as a way to offer an alternative for people running ad blockers and with the promise of using any money coming as money to put back into the community with writer, artist and related commissions, never on technical fees.