A summary of 2020 RPG stats, a round-up of the news, lots of reviews and product releases all together in a single Routinely Itemised bundle.
The inaugural Gen Con Online draws 40,000 gamers
Gen Con reports that 40,000 people took part in 2020’s online convention and that there were nearly 7,000 different events.
Crafty Games launch preorders on new Mistborn products including The Siege of Luthadel and $200 metal dice
Mistborn: The Siege of Luthadel is the first expansion to the House War and is among the new Crafty Games preorders.
Missing Gen Con? Visit this incredible Minecraft reconstruction
The entire Convention Center has been rebuilt in Minecraft, and you can take a look for yourself.
Paizo offer 20% off for Gen Con as they wrap July with 15 new releases
Visit Paizo’s landing page to keep up with what the Pathfinder publisher is doing during Gen Con.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #49
Cancellations strike the big conventions, but there’s more happening online, and such an event might introduce a new campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons.
The 2020 ENnies will continue despite Gen Con 2020 being cancelled
There will be a live stream of the wards at 8pm on the 30th of July and the event will be hosted by Ken Hite and Robin Laws.
Gen Con 2020 has been cancelled
Gen Con Online has already been announced, and it will stick to the original dates of July 30 to August 2.
The D&D powered Stargate RPG is now open for public playtesting
You can now join the Tau’ri and fight back against the Goa’uld while helping Wyvern Gaming test their D&D powered official Stargate RPG.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #8
It’s the first weekly round-up of RPG news and discoveries since Gen Con happened.