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Routinely Itemised: RPGs #6
Save time by whisking your way down this bullet-point summary of RPG industry news and discoveries.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #5
What’s happen this week? A whizz though bullet points of RPG news and discoveries.
Shadowrun 6e: Sixth World Beginner Box out in digital and off to a rocky start
Early purchasers of the game are suggesting that Catalyst Game Labs might just be feeling the time pressure. It looks like typos have slipped into the Beginner Box.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #3
What happened in the RPG industry this week? ENnnie 2019 nominations, “Oops, sorry, our artwork was too similar” and superheroes.
Origins attendance up 11% overtaking Gen Con in the tabletop games category
Visitor numbers to Origins is up 11% and that takes turnstile attendance to 71, 237.
Which are the largest geeky conventions in the world?
A living treemap showing the relative size and categories of dozens of geeky conventions around the world.
Can’t make Gen Con? Print your Gen Can’t badge instead
Gen Con is an iconic roleplaying games convention. Founded in 1968 by Gary Gygax, the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, it now hosts tens of thousands of gamers. Gen Con 2018 will run from August 2nd to 5th, in Indianapolis, Indiana, but not everyone will get to go. The list of gamers missing out include […]
Monte Cook announces Numenera 2
At Gen Con 50 Monte Cook Games announced Numenera 2. According to a tweet from Total Party Thrill’s Shane there are two books. The first is Numenera 2 Discovery which is designed to replace the original Numenera core book but not the whole line. Monte Cook’s latest Numenera release was just a few days […]
Live highlights from Gen Con 50
The 50th Gen Con is on. We’ve seen videos of hallways packed full of gamers that become floods of movement when the traders’ hall opened. We’ve seen videos from publishers big and small. We’re not there, sadly. Instead Geek Native is using Twitter Moments to curate Tweets as and when they come in to produce […]