Minky Woodcock – The Girl Called Cthulhu is a four-issue comic series featuring the intrepid detective Minky Woodcock on a brand-new case. Created by Cynthia von Buhler.
Dark deeds and deadly crime: Humble lures you in with a crime noir fiction deal
The Stephen King Sampler, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest and other darkly criminal books help support the non-profit ACLU at Humble Bundle.
Gun Honey in development for TV by Stephen King’s Haven partners
The TV show Haven, based on the books by Stephen King, ran for three reasons and was the result of the last Piller/Segan and Hard Case Crime partnership.
Gun Honey sizzles in the latest trailer
A new four-part series from the Edgar and Shamus award winner, co-founder of Hard Case Crime, Charles Ardai, will launch in September.
The plot twists have plot twists and then explode: A review of Ryuko
In no short order, there is betrayal, a fight against government forces, betrayal, Chinese crimelords and perhaps a terrorist group.
Competition: Win 4 historic Michael Crichton novels
Did you know that Michael Crichton once wrote a series of crime novels under a different name. He was an honours student at Harvard Medical at the time and used the name “John Lange” for his suspense novels. Hard Case Crime have started to bring these books back into print and publish them under the […]
A review of Stephen King’s Joyland
Joyland is a fantastic story. This is a compelling and yet oddly gentle tale of a young man experiencing the ache of heartbreak and the curve-balls life can throw at you. As it happens, Joyland is written by that master suspense Stephen King. So when there’s the mention that the Horror House in the Joyland […]
Stephen King’s Joyland online carnival tour
Master author Stephen King has a new book. Joyland is a breathtaking tale of love – and loss – set in an amusement park in 70s North Carolina. To mark the launch, Titan Books and Hard Case Crime have organised a touring, prize winning, show across a number of blogs. It’s an online carnival and […]