There are two glass sizes, both with handles, one at 370ml and a larger at 580ml. You get one with your purchase.
Gloomy Valentine’s Day: Abandoned ring dungeon emulator
February 14th is Valentine’s Day, and if you’re not feeling romantic, then, good news, we have a moody generator for you.
The benefits of being a Forever GM
A Forever GM is someone who almost always finds themselves running a tabletop roleplaying game rather than playing in it. It’s a bittersweet moniker but an affectionate one.
Friday 13th memes – the day that ended the Templars (and screaming teens)
It’s Friday the 13th, which means tomorrow is Saturday the 14th. Great news! Well, provided you’re not at Crystal Lake, the fictional location of the Friday the 13th movies, superstitious or suffer from triskaidekaphobia.
Fun trailer for indie UFO sci-fi comedy film ‘Foil’
We’ve got a fun trailer for you today, for an indie sci-fi comedy film called Foil, in which two friends discover an unusual piece of potentially alien foil from a UFO crash site in the California desert. Pure chaos ensues.
RIP 2023: Loot the body!
We see off 2023 with a comic strip from Ché Crawford (aka The Immortal Think Tank), whom you can support on Patreon and Ko-fi or follow on Instagram.
Kringlekrist: Josh Wright’s Story of the Christmas Wyrm
Slack Wyrm Comics is on Facebook with north of 80K followers and a website.
Watch the laugh-out-loud funny video mashup of Lesley Nielson in STAR WARS
This The Naked Gun, Police Squad! and Star Wars mashup is the funniest thing I’ve seen today.
Hey cleric!
I mean, karma almost demands that you treat yourself. Oh, and don’t swallow random discoveries!
After Death Comics: The cost of ritual sacrifice!
After Death Comics share on Instagram, and Aidee Sea, the creator, assumingly says – Support me with money, blood, or love.