You can follow @TallFroGuy on Twitter, hire him for a commission or support the artist on Patreon.
This isn’t pepper spray
I’m sure there’s a culturally astute point to be made about whether personal safety has become an arms race and what that means for society.
Virtual Valentine’s Day cards for Discord or your Telegram messages
2021 may well be the year in which romantic JPGs fly back and forth in direct messages and across Discord servers.
Dwarf logic versus elf logic
This “Dwarf logic vs Elf logic” strip comes from Marko’s Instagram and is suitably demotivation for the end of January.
Three free comics in this American Mythology Nostalgia bundle
That top tier has a retail value of £115.20 and is more than 1,200 pages of content.
The pandemic lockdown reimagined as retro video games
What on Earth do you do if your job is to persuade homeowners that they really should buy a new set of doors and then the lockdown prevents all non-essential work?
Comic: Cooking with Death
I’ve never had to cook with Death before.
But a Jape: Resting at the Inn
But a Jape is a web comic that you can support on Patreon
Comic: I have hijacked this human’s body
Surely we’ve all had moments like this; so much to do, some much win to be had… only, energy crashing, snooze needed.
D&D Hot Takes from Owly Bear
Hot take: Goblins are innately evil creatures only capable of either grovelling cowardice or sadistic hierarchical cruelty.