My dapper half-orc duelist dropped his sword in the very first fight and died.
Comic: And then you win!
Tim, aka eldercactus on Instagram with nearly 50K followers, has a theory as to why random wins might happen in adventure cRPGs.
Comic: Neatgo Notvac
Lopez created such hits as Wyatt & Blue and Circuit Chums, wholesome strips inspired by life with their life.
Don’t let the weather ruin your New Year Day plans (the comic)
I had saved this comic from Made By Tio for… a rainy day.
Christmas horror: You should be asleep
Toothy BJ has featured with monsters on Geek Native before and I can’t top the comic below for Christmas today.
Okay Hydra, listen very carefully
You can follow Goofy Gods Comics on Instagram with nearly half a million other fans. I think, with comics like this, why wouldn’t you?
The crushing truth by Juliette
Here’s the truth as made real by the boss fight.
We know it is all true: A review of Learn to Speak Cat – Fake Mews
Learn to Speak Cat: Fake Mews may be familiar to readers based in the UK. The series by Anthony Smith was a daily feature in the Metro.
Octopus roommate (better than yours?)
We also discover that “sorrowbacon” is from the German word Kummerspeck, and yeah, it’s about emotional overeating. I think we’d all agree.
Praise the kind Computer! Two Paranoia bundles return
Dear friend, if you missed out on these bundles, would you be happy?