Gallant Knight Games’ TinyD6 RPG Mecha & Monsters was the publishers second game. It’s back on Kickstarter with Mecha & Monsters: Evolved to print a new edition with updates and new art.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #12
Let us retreat from the bitter winds of the outside place and concentrate on some decidedly warmer and in-door activities; tabletop roleplaying.
Owen K.C. Stephens replaces Jack Norris as Green Ronin’s Fantasy AGE developer
Norris makes brief mention of personal tragedy, heavy workloads, financial and health issues as well as the occasional resurfacing of past harassment.
Marked by Calamity: A Review of Fantasy Age – Children’s Crusade
A major calamity has left the land in disarray and a religious cult has chosen to take advantage of the moment. They have ‘marked’ certain children as a source of corruption, seeking to use them as a sacrifice for their deity; more level-headed folk have chosen to assist the children, orphans of the calamity, by […]
What is the Tianxia RPG and how can you run a better game?
The Kickstarter raised more than x3 the target goal and Tianxia looks stunning. But what is the RPG? The Wuxia flavoured, Fate Core powered, RPG is now available for purchase and you can download it today from DriveThru RPG. Geek Native reached out to Vigilance Press and author Jack Norris. What tips and tricks did […]
Bring on the Eldritch: A Review of AGE Bestiary – Alien Horrors
I have touched upon the notion before that in many industries, but gaming especially, if you don’t have an edition, expansion or supplement available for your game that takes advantage of the post-copyright extradimensional behemoth Cthulhu, then you’re missing out. Whatever your take on the Mythos, you need to get it out there. Not to […]
They Might Be…: A Review of AGE Bestiary – Giants
Giants have been an frequent and diverse threat in movies and TV over the last few years – whether the engineers of Prometheus, the Frost Giants of Thor, the trolls from Lord of the Rings, or Hodor from A Game of Thrones (okay, Hodor might not be a threat to most, but you still don’t […]
Vigilance Press announce Tianxia for Fate Core
In his new year post, Viliglance Press’ James Dawsey recaps the year, gives generous thanks to the writers, layout experts and artists who came on board to help with projects and announces a new Fate Core compatible setting supplement. Tianxia: Blood, Silk, and Jade will be written by Jack Norris, full colour and in the […]