James D’Amato has crowdfunded The Magic of Spéir, the Skyjacks Setting Zine vol. 2.
James D’Amato interview: Why the Ultimate RPG Game Master’s Guide author is sceptical on the Matt Mercer effect
I think the real value in GMing guides is being able to see the game through someone else’s eyes.
On Game Jam Culture and Minimalist RPGs
W.H. Arthur (he/佢) started game design in a 200 word RPG jam in 2018. Since then, he has released a number of small RPGs on itch.io, and contributed to a few popular indie RPG projects.
An interview with James D’Amato: The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide
I’ll say my livelihood depends on games, but games themselves aren’t the thing that has become my “job.” I record what I play for One Shot and Campaign: Skyjacks, but the job is producing and publishing those episodes.
Competition: The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide
Take your skyship pirate, haunted waif, or alien scientist to the next level with this fun, interactive book of exercises to help you build your RPG character’s backstory—made specifically for the genres you love to play.
The Kingkiller Chronicle RPG: New Temerant stories from Patrick Rothfuss
Rothfuss and James D’Amato are working other Temerant podcasts and a Kingkiller Chronicle roleplaying game. The prototype of the RPG’s rules is used in the podcast.