Runecairn is set in a world following the cataclysmic events of Ragnarok, an apocalyptic battle between the gods and the jotunn. In the aftermath, the Nine Realms burn in fire and drown in flood.
Green Ronin and Valiant launch the Valiant Adventures RPG with free comic book offer
Valiant Adventures was designed by Steve Kenson, based on years of development of the Mutants & Masterminds game system and decades of experience in the RPG design field.
Kobold Press cross $300,000 with Tales of the Valiant GM’s Guide
Kobold Press has shared the tables of contents in their free sample, so we know it begins by setting out the tenets of the GM, then moving into acknowledging there are different playing styles and on to preparing for a game.
Greenhorns: Unthinkable anomalies and a weird space RPG
Planet creation missions feel like dungeon diving. Bounty hunting missions challenge the crew to topple enemy schemes and eliminate lethal adversaries.
Geektopia Games goes looking for the Essence of Eternity
Essence of Eternity is a card game on Kickstarter this month from Geektopia Games. It plays in under an hour and has two to six players battling monsters, perhaps helping each other, in the quest for eternal life.
Tomb of a Thousand Doors: Kickstarter to stitch 30+ community Mausritter dungeon designs into a megadungeon
Don’t want to wait? You can name your own price for the digital content via Itch. That is; the megadungeon in its current form.
Henshin: The Sentai RPG expands with a Guest Stars Kickstarter
Henshin! is a diceless system with a focus on moving the story forward so players can focus on roleplay and it is a game that won plaudits for its diversity.
Advanced 5e: Level Up crowdfunds their Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2023
Every year, EN Publishing releases, via a crowdfunder, a hardcover gazette to compile the previous editions of the Advanced 5E Level Up magazine.
Troll King brings solo gameplay and tactical 5e orc PCs
The solo rules come with d8 tables to summon up the Troll King’s army for battle and give the solo gamer a challenge to fight through.
Evolved: The 600-paged Dungeon Crawl Classics-powered superhero RPG funds
Those passing through time portals found that they were transported into the future of the year 2051 … and the future depicted was frightening.