The Critical Role Foundation has donated to the California Community Foundation’s Wildfire Recovery Fund.
Critical Role release “Winter’s Crest (A Holiday Album)” today
The album is called Winter’s Crest (A Holiday Album) and is named after the Tal’Dorei holiday. In this fantasy setting, the holiday of Winter Crest celebrates the alliance that defeated the ice elemental Errevon the Rimelord.
Superhero Week: Batman and Superman – Battle of the Super Sons trailer
Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons will also be Warner Bros’ first-ever all-CG animated feature-length, if you can believe that.
Count the F-Bombs: The Legend of Vox Machina trailer goes red band
The latest trailer for The Legend of Vox Machina is a reminder it may not be a series appropriate for young ears or disapproving grandfathers.
Um, the Critical Role trailer tempts me with heresy
Am I the only one who might need a period of adjustment?
Mondo restocks with gorgeous The Last of Us vinyl
The artwork is by Tula Lotay, and the set is available on 2x 180-gram colour vinyl. The record has music from the game and, as you’d hope, features Gustavo Santaolalla on guitar. It’s a soundtrack for a post-apocalyptic horror. Mac Quayle delights and horrifies on synth.
Nathan Fillion and Laura Bailey return to Starfinder
The game has done well, Amazon reports that nearly 2 million minutes of gameplay has been recorded. This makes Starfinder one of the most popular Alexa apps.
Amazon and Paizo launch Starfinder audio game
If you have an Alexa or the Amazon Alexa app on your Android or Apple iOS device you can now say; “Alexa, open the Starfinder game!” and access Paizo’s interactive Starfinder audio game
The latest Critical Role book: The World of Critical Role
Publishing giant Penguin Random House has announced they have a Critical Role book coming out later this year. Written by Liz Marsham and the cast of Critical Role, The World of Critical Role is available on pre-order for hardcover, ebook and audiobook. The illustrated guide follows the rise of Matthew Mercer, Ashley Johnson, Marisha Ray, […]
Handbooker Helper is Critical Role’s new show. Handbooker!
Critical Role span off from Geek & Sundry so they had the flexibility to do new things. Today we discover that one of those things is a show called Handbook Helper, no, sorry, it’s called Handbooker Helper, that teaches people the basics of D&D in short videos. The episodes will feature Critical Role stars like […]