Last month Chaosium made it clear to ESD that the license had expired and would not be renewed. ESD were advised they are in cardinal breach of its previous license.
D&D group hit with $1,000 fine
A D&D gaming group in Springport, America, faced either jail time or $1,000 in fines plus $1,000 for every day they kept gaming. The problem? A neighbour reported them for gambling. The Facebook screengrab comes from one of the gamers in Cris Sidhe’s group. In a Google+ post Sidhe admitted that the gamers did joke […]
The Geek Find accused of huge copyright infringement
Artist Michael Whelan is calling out the Etsy store The Geek Find for shameless copyright abuse. A month ago Whelan’s Tumblr helped highlight that the Etsy store for apparently re-printing and selling other artist’s work – including chopping the signature off the print. Whelan’s account noted that Etsy required the original owners to step forward with […]
WotC’s lawyers take down Pathguy’s character generators
For nearly 20 years Pathguy has provided online character generators for fans. Not any more. Wizards of the Coast’ attorney has asked Pathguy not just to remove his Dungeons & Dragons character generators but his Pathfinder generators as well. It is understood that Pathguy, aka Ed Friedlander, has engaged legal counsel to see whether an […]
Are tax changes about to axe Europe’s RPG digital stores?
Publishers in Europe selling their RPGs, accessories and other gaming material in digital form are about to see big changes. In the past companies had to pay tax on digital services like subscriptions, written products, art and music based on the laws of the country they operate in. In the UK this was good news […]
19 harmed after gas attack on furries and cosplayers at Midwest FurFest
19 attendees of Chicago’s Midwest FurWest have been hospitalised after a release of dangerous chlorine gas. At about 12:40am first responders investigated a “noxious odour” that had crept into the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Rosement where the convention was being held. The organisers and authorities reacted quickly; ordering everyone out of the convention – many […]