These 5E expansions invite you to break free of the dungeon and stake your claim on the world!
Legendary Beginnings: All-Age appropriate 5e bundle
On offer are standalone scenarios ranging from combat orientated to sly creative teamwork to defeat thorny challenges.
Paizo will go to court to stop WotC and OGL 1.1
Paizo has said they’ll go to court to argue that the OGL cannot be deauthorized by Wizards of the Coast.
A 5e bundle deal: Legendary Epic Monsters
Legendary’s RPG sourcebooks at DTRPG tend to follow the naming convention Legendary This or Legendary That. It’s monsters in this bundle.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #141
A cluster of RPG news furnished at bullet point speed on a week of debate-sparking 5e RPG, a new boss for Roll20, the evil Red Wizards and a Daredevil star in a new show.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #136
A summary of RPGs news from the week as Wizards of the Coast make an important D&D hire, Green Ronin plot Cthulhu content done right, and one of the most significant savings you’re likely to see on DTRPG goes live.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #129
RPG news summarised from the week that’s just gone with reviews, interviews, bundle deals, competitions and crowdfunding projects.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #125
Fortunately, there’s been plenty of RPG news to keep brains distracted here in the North from the unrelenting encroachment of winter of darkness.
Legendary Games offers up Boricubos setting and Latin American Monsters
There’s no shortage of generous and free to download previews for Legendary Games’ Boricubos: Latin American Monsters and Adventures.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #113
RPG news in a handy bullet points summary gives you an advantage in your hobby perception and wisdom rolls.