Well known Lego crafter Iain Heath has recently posted some fantastic Kick-Ass lego creations on his Flickr account. It’s well worth checking out the entire picture stream. The teaser picture below is provided as a teaser.
Lego Technic Starcraft 2 Banshee will blow you away
This piece of engineering awesomeness is over 3,000 parts and 80cm in length. The hero creator of his Starcraft 2 Banshee is Antti Hakala who has a Flickr gallery that contains even more goodness to look at. There are additional pictures here. There’s just no doubting that this Lego Technic creation is impressive. The fine […]
Cats of Thunder… or Thundercats?
There’s a lot to be said for this designn by Chris Thornley. Thornley runs Raid71 and seems to have produced material for the likes of NME, Levi, Fortean Times and even Lego. I was impressed with Fortean Times as a client – even more geek impressed to see that he’s worked with Lego. His four […]
LEGO Star Wars sandcrawler is over a meter long
There are about 10, 000 pieces of Lego in Marshal Banana‘s Sandcrawler. He describes it has his “baby” and I can imagine why; this project must have been a labour of love! There are four xl motors in this beast, five medium motors, 4 receivers, 4 batterypacks and 22 lego LEDs. The sandcrawler weighs in […]
Stunning Lego Pegasus actually moves
This Lego sculpture is impressive. It isn’t that the design is elegant and graceful; full of curves, which is very hard to do with Lego. It’s that the whole model moves, just as gracefully, with the turn of the handle on its pedestal. This beauty was built by Edulyoung who notes that the model makes […]
Dr Who: Day of the Moon done in Lego
Did you enjoy Doctor Who’s Day of the Moon? Was it too confusing? Was it anti-American? Who is River Song? Would you be able to re-construct the prison scene using Lego and minifigs? Master Lego builder Legoagogo is able to answer that last question with a yes. Here’s a very clever couple of Lego scenes […]
Mighty Star Wars Lego diorama
I think Lego artist Jay Hoff requires some serious praise for this impressive Star Wars diorama. This set uses more than 30,000 bricks and nearly 400 minifigs (388, actually). Check out the walls on the scene; they’re lego too. If you’re familiar with the Lego set which contains the spacecraft you’ll have an idea of […]
Lego Starcraft 2 Siege Tank
The siege tanks in Starcraft 2 are pretty cool. I can see why some clever clogs might well decide to build one out of Lego. Here’s the thing; there’s a big difference between building a siege tank in Lego and building a remote controlled, 4 motor, 2 linear actuator and highly complex siege tank in […]
Lego machine of dooooom!
Okay, perhaps “doom” is the wrong word to describe this machine but it does make me wonder whether you could use Lego to build a machine to harvest dangerous materials and drive them into cities through the sewers. This video is just shy of 8 minutes long which helps illustrate just how huge this machine […]
Hellraiser in LEGO
This Cenobite looks familiar. Could it he be Pinhead himself? Nah! Pinhead was made from flesh, bone, blood and horror… not lego. Right? Riiight? Thanks to Capnbottle for this clever construction!