There’s a lot of things you can build with Lego with lots of skill and a bit of imagination. With enough imagination you might even decide to build a Dead Space beacon. Perhaps the frustration of planting beacons in asteroids boiled over and you just had to turn to lego. We can’t know Legohaulic‘s motivation […]
Self-loading LEGO dice tower defeats RPG cheats
This is so cool. This Christmas I was given a plastic tower for dice rolling – not because I’m a cheat, but because one of my gamer groups think my dice rolling is bad luck and provided the tower as an alternative. Gamers and superstition, huh? In this case I suspect the tower was built […]
Five funny LEGO ads
Not much to say about this collection – other than sit back and enjoy. This mini collection was put together by My Modern Met who grepped them from multiple sources. which is your favourite? I’m going with “Vader Sucks!” Or maybe with Chewy.
SpongeBob Terminator in… er, LEGO!
Did you know SpongeBob was a killer robot sent back from the future, by Skynet, to stop the saviour of mankind? You did? Well, I admit it, it makes sense. Suddenly everything becomes clear. It’s also true to say that the Terminator SpongeBob is entirely made out of LEGO. Surely it comes as no surprise […]
Heavy metal, lego and fantasy combat – what’s not to love?
Three shades of “We’re not worthy” for Paganomation and their impressive Lego animation. It’s a simple concept – a lumberjack, a humble man, is suddenly granted the greatest power of all time. What happens? Things get awesome! I thought “Paganomation” was a clever blend of the words “pagan” and “animation”. I was wrong. A key […]
Lego Star Wars movie: Black Stormtrooper
Donald Faison plays Turk in Scrubs. I think he’s in Skyline too. Turns out he’s a bit a geek, perhaps even a geek native, at the very least he’s a Star Wars fan. Faison wrote, directed, edited and, get this, animated this entire Lego Star Wars movie. It’s nearly 3 minutes long. In it the […]
Halo Grunts made from LEGO
I think the Grunts in Halo are kinda cute. Sure, they’re often trying to shoot you and they can get in the way when you’re in a gun fight with something serious – but they’re funny. When they run a way they’re really funny. If you’re a PS3 fan and haven’t played Halo at all […]
A south pointing chariot made from Lego
The South Pointing Chariot is a wonder of engineering from ancient China. Legend suggests it was invented by the Yellow Emperor arround 2600 BC (though it probably wasn’t!). The south pointing chariot has an arm which always points south. THis isn’t a compass. This is done entirely through gears, getting the radio and track right. […]
Impressive LEGO Terminator
Not much to say about this except Martin Latta‘s status as a geek native will rocket through the roof as blogs go nuts about his impressive Lego Terminator build. There’s plenty of photos of the lego killing machine from the future on his Flickr account but just to prove how impressive it is I’ve included […]
LEGO Black Ops
Here’s a great example of just how powerful the LEGO community has become. It’s also vindication that Keshen8‘s Lego Black Ops is really freaking good. I say it proves the worth of the LEGO online community because this video is just a day old and it’s already surged above 30,000 YouTube views. Check it out. […]