I can imagine an hourglass made from the screaming faces of the damned as a centrepiece of a horror noir.
Snuggle teeth! The Warhammer 40K squig blanet hoodie is a thing of beautiful warmth
In the grim darkness of the far future of Warhammer 40,000, Squigs are small, vicious creatures that are a common sight amongst the Orks.
It’s time for a zombie defeating chainsaw in your life?
The chainsaw is designed to look like it’s been used in combat, with fake blood splatter. It’s a full-size, wearable replica with sound effects.
Umbrella or Ultramarines Gladius? Both!
Here in Scotland, the weather can be a battle, but are Merchoid and Games Workshop taking things too far?
Hang a Warhammer 40K red Squig from your tree this Christmas!
Squigs are the simplest and most numerous form of Orkoid life in Warhammer 40,000.
Limited edition: D&D Talisman of Ultimate Evil
Wizards of the Coast explains that the Talisman of Ultimate Evil is a wondrous item. Do you want it?
Dragon jumper: Dungeons & Dragons ugly Christmas sweater
The official D&D ampersand logo is emblazed against the moon as dragons fly and dice decorate the helm.
Yikes! Only 1983 of these limited edition D&D Anniversary Rollercoaster Tickets will be made
The Dungeons & Dragons cartoon first aired on September 17th 1983. That’s right, the D&D cartoon is 40! Did you miss it?
Preorder the official D&D magic rings
Ring Set 1 is adjustable and it’s possible Ring Set 2 is also selling out before Merchoid can update the description.
Celebrate National Video Game Day with merch from some of the best games of 2023
It’s already been a fantoosh year for video games, and with National Video Game Day being today – the 8th July – we thought we’d prepare by taking a look at what Merchoid had to offer. So far in 2023 we’ve seen acclaimed releases from the likes of Nintendo, Capcom, Blizzard, EA – and so […]