Now, on the Bundle of Holding, there is the Worlds of 2d20 deal, and it’s a cracker! We’ve until Monday, 27th February, to snap up the tiers we want.
Modiphius launch 2d20 World Builders third-party publisher program
The 2d20 World Builders community content program from Modiphius and DriveThruRPG provides rules and a platform for third-party publishers to create and sell content.
The best selling sci-fi RPGs published on DriveThruRPG in 2022
Is there a dominant publisher in sci-fi? Mongoose makes the chart six times, but fellow British publisher Modiphius manage four entries as well.
Modiphius’ Conan RPG to end as Monolith take over
Modiphius has published twenty books, but now Heroic Signatures, who granted the license and were once known as Cabinet Entertainment, has moved the rights.
An interview with Chris Birch: Modiphius, ambition and direction
Modiphius is hot off a summer smash hit, breaking $1 million on Kickstarter with a Skyrim game, and in this discussion, I’ll try and tease out clues as to what might follow.
An interview with Chris Birch: Modiphius sees business sense in helping others
In the first of two interviews, we talked about lessons learned and helping others.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #175
Tabletop RPG news in summary, RPG reviews discoveries, interviews, bundle offers, and tips are all bullet-pointed in one geeky summary.
Free to Download: Star Trek Adventures explores spacewrecks
The eighth in the free Star Trek Adventures free to download BRIEFS series is out on DriveThruRPG.
Modiphius counts to Infinity twice: There are two of the Corvus Belli-based RPG bundles on offer
Using the 2d20 system, riffing off sci-fi like Appleseed, Ghost in the Shell and Altered Carbon and based on the Corvus Belli miniatures game, Infinity is an RPG about factions fighting for control of a dozen planets.
Against the Faerie Queene: Welsh folklore for 5e and Legends of Avallen
Deren Ozturk’s supplement for the Celtic-Roman Legends of Avellen RPG includes 5e rules.