The system is OSR, and the tone of the game isn’t happy. The result is a weird fantasy RPG set in a cursed world.
Multiple Gary Gygax books debut on Humble: Lost Works of Gygax bundle
It’s unclear where these books have been or why they’ve not been published before, although an inspection of the fine print suggests these are digital debuts because some have been published before.
Ring the bundle klaxon for Operation Unfathomable, the gonzo FRPG campaign setting
Designed by Jason Sholtis, this campaign setting offers an adventure for both OSR retro-clones and Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG by Goodman Games.
Black Powder and Brimstone: For the Holy Empire Hell hath arrived
The quickstart is free and downloadable, 28 pages to get you started. You can then jump to the Kickstarter, check out the pitch, and back the project.
The Midderlands: Old school and dark RPG from MonkeyBlood gets a bundle deal
Designed by ENnie-winning writer-artist-cartographer Glynn Seal, the Midderlands setting is a green-hued, dark-fantasy, late-Middle Ages, early-Renaissance land based on Glynn’s home in the United Kingdom, the Midlands.
Back or be damned: Knock! Issue Four Kickstarts
Once again, The Merry Mushmen have cobbled together a bric-à-brac of game design insight, random tables, rules suggestions, monsters, classes, maps, adventures… the lot.
Let Us Build a Tower: An RPG for godhood or death
Sojourn RPG Publishing is Kickstarting a tabletop RPG set in an ever-changing dungeon crawl to Heaven. The adventure setting is called Let Us Build a Tower.
Adventurer Conqueror King System funds the Imperial Imprint on Kickstarter
The ACKS II RPG will be huge, 560-pages of full colour, 18 character classes, 110 proficiencies and hundreds of spells.
Gritty and pretty! Perils & Princesses is an RPG about women seeking danger
Mechanically, Perils & Princesses is a game that draws inspiration from some of the great creators in the NSR and OSR spaces.
Wind Wraith is a generative wavecrawl RPG toolkit
Few survive in this new ocean world, scattered among islands. Most knowledge was lost. Strange new cultures develop, isolated from each other.