Today, to help get you into the festive spirit, we've got three lovely new festive PEANUTS posters for you, featuring original art of some of your beloved characters by Charles Schulz. These three … [Read More...]
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Latest geek & tabletop gaming news
Koi has a D&D shoe and fashion range
Generic lizard monster saves people from the ice again
Get this Hellishly good Hellboy MEGAbundle – only 5 days left to go!
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #290
The most pirated TV show of 2024 goes to… House of the Dragon!
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RPG news and geek discoveries
Fabula Ultima: The Bundle of Holding has the West’s best selling TTJRPG
In 2023, Need Games’ Fabula Ultima Atlas: High Fantasy topped the best selling fantasy RPG charts on DriveThruRPG. Now, there’s a whole bundle in the Bundle of Holding.
Genre Police: Love The One You’re With?
I was totally blindsided. I’d talked about Mage and advocated for it as a game but never pitched anything specific, compared to sitting in my kitchen as people left for a game and talking about finally running an in-person Cthulhu game. What was I to do?
Recreate Christmas with the smell of new board game (candles)
New board games, just like new books, have a wholesome and charismatic aroma. I can’t describe it, but now, thanks to GameNightPrints on Etsy, I can recreate it.
The Majestic Fantasy RPG slated for a 2025 Kickstarter
Bat in the Attic Games published the 204 pages of The Majestic Fantasy RPG in 2021, and it has 5/5 stars after over a dozen ratings on DriveThruRPG. However, it’s not finished.