On the strange haunted island of Hopeless, Maine, young Salamandra explores the limits of her powers and the strength of her convictions.
Outrider Publications: Outland and Pinnacle strike RPG-to-book deal
I knew Outland was the perfect partner to grow our line of fiction for all our original properties.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #136
A summary of RPGs news from the week as Wizards of the Coast make an important D&D hire, Green Ronin plot Cthulhu content done right, and one of the most significant savings you’re likely to see on DTRPG goes live.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #135
A summary of RPGs news from the week with more TSR drama, horror RPGs, killer future robots and babies with broadswords.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #131
A look at which games published this year have sold the best and other RPG news!
Outland announces TTRPG Hopeless, Maine for the Tombpunk system
Take some time to travel round an island locked in time, an island where Werewolves run the local stores, where magic and strange mechanical devices run hand in hand and where the island itself watches every move you make.
The hero zombies and long dark: Nightfell for Tombpunk comes to Kickstarter
Humanity protects itself with armies made of the dead, the corpseguard, which return to life during Nightfell and stand watch over the cities and strongholds.
Marvel Multiverse RPG designer announces next RPG project
Shotguns and Sorcery is heading to 5e, as Matt Forbeck brings the first wave of fulfilment to a close.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #115
RPG news in a week of new game announcements, franchise deals and licenses. We’ve attracted lots of Cthulhu, too.
Alien invention: Outland acquires the two-shot RPG Negocios Infernales
When it is about to enter a traumatic period of history akin to the persecution we experienced during the Spanish Inquisition on Earth, aliens appear on the world of Espada and stop it from happening.