Fantasy Grounds published some interesting stats for the year to date, up to the end of Q3 2019 and they reveal what games people are playing there.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #16
It’s October and all of a sudden everyone is talking about Halloween. The horror and supernaturally themed Kickstarters are appearing, GMs are plotting scary scenarios, and web hosts are breeding an army of mutant bandwidth bills that feed on blogger blood. The start of the month also means a new RPG Publisher Spotlight poll for […]
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #13
A bullet-point collection of RPG news headlines, gaming discoveries, hints and tips from the week.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #11
Critical YAS! It’s coming up to the weekend, and this means here on Geek Native I spend some time summing up recent RPG news for you.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #10
A superfast bullet point summary of the week’s news. Zoom!
Pathfinder 2e’s The Fall of Plaguestone lands at Roll20
How many GMs buy the same adventure twice? Once to read it and then again on a virtual tabletop to run it?
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #8
It’s the first weekly round-up of RPG news and discoveries since Gen Con happened.
Paizo’s Gen Con announcement timeline
Live from Gen Con, using their Twitch channel, Paizo shared what the next two years of Pathfinder 2e will look like.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #7
News on the D&D movie, the release of Pathfinder 2nd edition and the discovery that two out the three best selling RPGs last quarter are sci-fi games.
Pathfinder 2e day: Sync your Paizo and Roll20 accounts for freebies and discounts
Pathfinder 2nd edition is released today. You can get it from Paizo’s store or Roll20.