The free supplement is full-colour and contains plenty of striking images and text to whisk readers through the Golden Age, to the Great Cataclysm of 2098 and up to Lazlo’s Call to Arms three hundred years later.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #85
Routinely Itemised is a weekly RPG news round-up with new releases, interviews, reviews, RPG tips and write-ups from around the web.
Palladium Books’ Mutants and Ninjas bundle
As usual, there are only three weeks to claim the two-tiered bundle and the cost of the Bonus Collection rises or lowers in line with how people shop.
Curated Christmas offers on DriveThruRPG
At this time of year, sales are pretty standard, and given the year we’re having it’s hard to deny RPG publishers their chance for a retail push.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #75
In the RPG news this week we’ve a review roundup of Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, a legal fight between Wizards of the Coast and a partner, Kickstarter projects to look at a website from Google that makes monsters.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #72
Routinely Itemised is a weekly roundup of RPG news from Wizards of the Coast, Chaosium, Cubicle 7, R. Talsorian Games, PEG, Paizo and the industry.
Kevin Siemieda confirms Savage Rifts for Fantasy Grounds
Kevin Siembieda of Palladium Books confirms that a Fantasy Grounds version of “Savage Rifts” is going to happen.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #49
Cancellations strike the big conventions, but there’s more happening online, and such an event might introduce a new campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons.
Free to Download: In the Face of Death preview
In the Face of Death is a supplement for the Dead Reign RPG.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #36
Another busy week in the world of RPGs as Fantasy Flight appears to be stepping away from the hobby and Kickstarter encourages dozens of new tabletop projects in just a few days.