Did you know an estimated 5 to 7 million have played a Palladium RPG?
Rifts Essentials up on the Bundle of Holding
Rifts is a post-apocalyptic version of Earth in which portals (rifts) have opened where ley lines cross to allow monsters, demons and magic energy back into the world.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #29
A weekly round-up of RPG news including discoveries, fan-projects and Kickstarters.
Palladium Books release a free 60-paged Garden of the Gods preview
Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda the Garden of the Gods sourcebook will weigh in at 224 pages, have more than 100 magic artefacts, 100 adventure hooks, 45 forgotten gods, more than 50 curses and over 200 blessings.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #4
A weekly roundup of RPG news in a handy set of bulletpoint lists.
Free to Download: Rifts Bestiary volume 1
For a limited time, Palladium Books have made Rifts Bestiary volume 1 available as a free sneak preview on DriveThruRPG.
The best selling cartoon and anime RPGs of 2018
This data looks at the relative number of sales of all RPGs in the ‘anime’ or ‘cartoon’ tag.
Palladium Books looses the Robotech license after 30 years
Palladium Books has published Robotech games for 30 years but the license has now expired and it will not be renewed. This is especially bad news for the already problem haunted Robotech RPG Tactics (RPT) Kickstarter which took US$1.44 million in 2013. The second wave of backer rewards will not be coming but Palladium founder […]
Rifts opening a path to Savage Worlds
I played a lot of Rifts back at University. There was just so much world, so many dimensions, to play with. Ooph, though, did that system begin to struggle! I can see why fans are pleased the Shane Hensley and co finally have permission to take a Savage Worlds conversion to Kickstater. You can follow […]
Soaring to success: Robotech RPG Tactics
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rrpgt/robotech-rpg-tacticstm/ [Back this Campaign] Palladium Books have a success on their hands with the Kickstarter for Robotech RPG Tactics. The pitch asked for $70,000. At the time of posting, there are 23 days left on the clock and the project has attracted over 2,100 backers and raised $385,820. That’s a pile of money for the […]