This adventure begins the Stolen Fate Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which a group of adventurers race against time to gather the scattered parts of a powerful deck of magical fortune-telling cards.
Hexcrawl table: Gifts from Dead Gods
Graveyard of the Gods has three weeks left to run and has characters exploring the corpses of dead gods adrift on the astral plane.
Zero to hero your Pathfinder 2e collection and help ComicBooks for Kids
ComicBooks for Kids is the charity in Paizo’s Pathfinder: Strength of Thousands Adventure Path bundle on Humble.
Roll for Combat: Battlezoo Eldamon Monster Training and Year of Monsters rocks into Kickstarter
Control and channel eldamon using two new 5E and Pathfinder classes! Anyone can befriend eldamon and have them fight playful mock duels with each other, but only the eldamon trainer class can phase them into our world in order to use them in combat against deadly threats.
Pathfinder Revolution! board game hits Kickstarter via Steve Jackson Games
Secretly bid against your opponents for control of important people and guilds, gaining influence in different regions throughout the city, as well as more gold, power, or blackmail for your war chest.
Pathfinder: Shardfall will bring patent-protected audio fantasy to mobile
Paizo and Wanderword will bring Pathfinder: Shardfall to mobile this year, and soon.
Paizo and Foundry forge a content partnership
This new level of partnership represents the culmination of nearly a year of communal effort from Paizo, Foundry Virtual Tabletop, Sigil Entertainment Group, Syrinscape, and contributors from the FVTT Pathfinder Second Edition development community.
Genre Police: Choose Your Own Adventure(s)
Last time we talked about new RPGs and how to get players to try them. But how do you even begin to work out what you want to play?
Free to Download: Pathfinder’s Outlaws of Alkenstar Player’s Guide
As PCs are outlaws, the guide has recommendations on alignments, ancestries, classes, languages, skills and feats. These are made with Pazio’s knowledge of what’s to come in the Adventure Path.
Genre Police: New Horizons
If you’ve tried lots of systems and your players seem to be slowing down on their want to join you in a new system, it might be because you keep jumping to the newest game on the block.